No- it's not Christmas in's just the new thing I've been singing to the kiddos when they do things like stand on the end table or use their siblings as a step stool to climb over the gate . This song takes on an entirely new meaning as a parent. I can really use this to threaten them from now on. They will soon be learning all about Santa... hmmm...I think I'm liking this Santa Claus thing.
My new theory is that Santa was created by exhausted parents of toddlers who had no other option than to invent a man who would bring toys if they had been "good" all year. Remember the list that's being checked twice? A total fabrication made by parents of toddlers.
Ben has been testing our ability to parent by climbing onto the end table and standing up with arms in the air. Each time we have to get him down and say "no". He then goes into a fit of hysterics. Well- today Will decides to climb out onto the table. Ben looked at him- looked at me- then looked at him and shook his head "no". He's getting the idea now!
Yesterday we were under strict orders from the doctor not to allow fresh air touch Isabella's skin...(j/k) but we did need to keep her cool so that the hives wouldn't act up. We decided what better way to spend a Saturday than at Big Lots. We had a birthday present to get, etc. We would be indoors with air conditioning. No chance of hives, right? Wrong. The power went out during a terrible storm and we were trapped in Big Lots for over an hour in the dark. What happens when the power goes out? The air goes out. Those places get warm fast without air. Isabella ended up with hives indoors. Ha!
Also- she cut 4 teeth this week. She has been in pain!
Anyways- babies are great today. We tried a new food today and they all tolerated it pretty well: edamame. Will didn't flick any of them- so he must like them.
Just remember: He sees you when your sleeping- he knows when you're awake...he knows if you've been bad or be good for goodness sake!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Ants Marching
They're back.
The rains drove them into the shelter of our kitchen sink.
They can't be stopped by the exterminator. No chemical can stop the continuous stream of ants that enter our kitchen every summer. Last summer the babies drank bottles laced with ants. I credit the protein in our six-legged friends to the triplet's ability to develop like full term babies.
I now understand that Dave Matthew's wasn't spouting of metaphors about our society- he was literally talking about "Ants Marching".
The rains drove them into the shelter of our kitchen sink.
They can't be stopped by the exterminator. No chemical can stop the continuous stream of ants that enter our kitchen every summer. Last summer the babies drank bottles laced with ants. I credit the protein in our six-legged friends to the triplet's ability to develop like full term babies.
I now understand that Dave Matthew's wasn't spouting of metaphors about our society- he was literally talking about "Ants Marching".
Bug Bites Part Deux
Well, Isabella woke up this morning with a beard of hives and two swollen feet. After a few doses of Benadryl the swelling subsided- but not completely. I called the doctor at 8:30 this morning and when the call was returned at 3:20 they asked if I could make it there in 20 minutes. Sure- your office is 15 minutes away. I can fill the diaper bag, load the choo-choo, change three diapers, load three babies and make it there- no problem. Diaper change #1: big poopie; Diaper change #2: bigger poopie; Diaper change #3: even bigger poopie. (Whew- at least we got those out of the way). Babies loaded, choo-choo loaded, diaper bag loaded and we are on our way.
As the dark clouds began looming overhead and we were safely on the interstate I realized I was going into public. Did I put on deodorant today? Actually...did I shower today? Oh well- people will see me dragging the choo-choo into the office and understand why I'm in running shorts and a ratty t-shirt with bed head.
The doctor wrote two prescriptions and as I was leaving the rain began to fall.
The doctor helped me out to the car. We loaded three wet babies. Whew. Made it-
By this time it was 5:00. Dinner time for babies. I can run to the CVS drive-thru and zip home for dinner. It will take 30 minutes to fill the order...what?!?
My dilemma: Do I keep babies in the car and drive around for 30 min. or do I unload babies- feed them- load them back up and pick up the prescription? (John is out of town.) I chose the simplest choice- drive around for 30 min. We are driving around the back roads of Hickory when I smell a strange odor waifing towards the driver's seat. Again I think: deodorant? shower? I realize Isabella has thrown up all over herself. Ben is patting her to make her feel better. Oh, how sweet!
The 30 minutes are up and we get our prescription and head home. I check the rear view mirror one more time before we leave the CVS parking lot...Ben isn't patting Isabella- he's eating her throw up.
We are finally home-babies in bed- and I'm asking myself the question that continues to resonate with me: Is this karma or parenthood?
As the dark clouds began looming overhead and we were safely on the interstate I realized I was going into public. Did I put on deodorant today? Actually...did I shower today? Oh well- people will see me dragging the choo-choo into the office and understand why I'm in running shorts and a ratty t-shirt with bed head.
The doctor wrote two prescriptions and as I was leaving the rain began to fall.
The doctor helped me out to the car. We loaded three wet babies. Whew. Made it-
By this time it was 5:00. Dinner time for babies. I can run to the CVS drive-thru and zip home for dinner. It will take 30 minutes to fill the order...what?!?
My dilemma: Do I keep babies in the car and drive around for 30 min. or do I unload babies- feed them- load them back up and pick up the prescription? (John is out of town.) I chose the simplest choice- drive around for 30 min. We are driving around the back roads of Hickory when I smell a strange odor waifing towards the driver's seat. Again I think: deodorant? shower? I realize Isabella has thrown up all over herself. Ben is patting her to make her feel better. Oh, how sweet!
The 30 minutes are up and we get our prescription and head home. I check the rear view mirror one more time before we leave the CVS parking lot...Ben isn't patting Isabella- he's eating her throw up.
We are finally home-babies in bed- and I'm asking myself the question that continues to resonate with me: Is this karma or parenthood?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Summer Vacation
A little over one week of vacation and I'm worn out. Staying at home with triplets is not for the faint of heart. I tried to be the overachieving mother the first week and it was too much.
This week we just aren't doing as much. As of today we have been confined to the indoors due to more bug bites. The babies and I ate dinner outside last night and played at the sand table. Within the 30 minutes that we were out there we were bombarded by mosquitoes. I thought the Vietnamese jungle proof DEET would be enough to stave the boogers off for awhile- but no... Will woke up this morning with one ear at least 3x as big as the other one. It was bright red and hot.
Isabella woke up covered head to toe in hives.
When I googled her symptoms this is what I found:

I hadn't had enough coffee at 6:15 to deal with that picture.
Ben took one right between the eyes.
So until the swelling subsides- it's indoor activities for the babies. Today we took our first trip to the grocery store. I pushed the cart and pulled the choo-choo. It went surprisingly well. I should enjoy these trips before they are old enough to express their desire for Fruity Pebbles and Fruit Loops.
If anyone out there knows of a town with NO mosquitoes- please notify us pronto. We can't take them anymore!
A little over one week of vacation and I'm worn out. Staying at home with triplets is not for the faint of heart. I tried to be the overachieving mother the first week and it was too much.
This week we just aren't doing as much. As of today we have been confined to the indoors due to more bug bites. The babies and I ate dinner outside last night and played at the sand table. Within the 30 minutes that we were out there we were bombarded by mosquitoes. I thought the Vietnamese jungle proof DEET would be enough to stave the boogers off for awhile- but no... Will woke up this morning with one ear at least 3x as big as the other one. It was bright red and hot.
Isabella woke up covered head to toe in hives.
When I googled her symptoms this is what I found:

I hadn't had enough coffee at 6:15 to deal with that picture.
Ben took one right between the eyes.
So until the swelling subsides- it's indoor activities for the babies. Today we took our first trip to the grocery store. I pushed the cart and pulled the choo-choo. It went surprisingly well. I should enjoy these trips before they are old enough to express their desire for Fruity Pebbles and Fruit Loops.
If anyone out there knows of a town with NO mosquitoes- please notify us pronto. We can't take them anymore!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Goodbye, Lemonhead's Cousin
The Gods of tacky home decor: 1 Beth: 0
Well- the Art Deco poster had to come down today. The babies were basically ripping the frame apart. I guess it will go in our garage with all of John's decor for our "cabin".
I believe it was Munner that said last time she visited, "And you think that looks good on your wall...why?"
That's what I get for using a Pottery Barn catalog as my design inspiration.
Well- the Art Deco poster had to come down today. The babies were basically ripping the frame apart. I guess it will go in our garage with all of John's decor for our "cabin".
I believe it was Munner that said last time she visited, "And you think that looks good on your wall...why?"
That's what I get for using a Pottery Barn catalog as my design inspiration.
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