Thursday, December 4, 2008

Turkey Day in Tennessee

Over the river and through the woods

To Grandmother’s house we go.

The hooptie van knows the way

To carry the babes through the windy, twisty roads. Oh!

Over the river and through the woods

Turkey’s calling our name.

The potatoes are hot,

Cranberries are not.

Oh will a deer be shot?

Over the river and through the woods

The toilet overflows.

Tree roots obstruct.

We’re out of luck.

To bathe down the road we must truck.

Over the river and through the woods

11 adults, 5 babes share one loo.

If we get in a pinch-

It isn’t a synch-

A chamber pot we must use…

Over the river and through the woods.

On the Wii we played.

To the good laughs we had-

When the plumbing went bad.

Hooray for Thanksgiving Day.